Sunday, November 07, 2010 ,♥/-
Friday, November 5 2010
Watched 天国的嫁衣 till Junxiong, Kenneth and Lester came.
Kenneth and Lester headed for training.
While Junxiong play C & C.
Later came Xavier, Jiazheng and Yihong.
Headed to 851 to eat.
Saturday, November 6 2010
12am plus headed over to Xavier's house with Junxiong, Yihong, Brother and Mom.
Helped him to take th fishing things then headed to 9head's Prime.
Bought things that we need.
After that back home at 2am plus.
Not long later i fell asleep on th mattress on th floor :x
Morning 9am or 10am plus like that wake up.
Saw Lester and Yihong playing dota never sleep!
Headed to 907 for breakfast, after that to our destination, Bedok Jetty! O:
First time fishing th weather is so good.
Big winds, little sun.
Left Bedok Jetty at 7pm plus i think?
Headed to West Coast there for dinner.
After that home-ed!
Huiting, Kenneth, Xiaohei and Taocheng came.
10pm plus headed to Pioneer mall with Huiting and Mom.
After that back home to have supper while watching channel U or 8 i don't know.
Sunday, November 7 2010
12am plus Xiaohei is playing blackshot while Kenneth is watching.
Text text text till i fell asleep :x
Morning 10am plus wake up.
Headed to Sheng Siong with Popo, Gongong, Aunts and Mom.
Alright, I'm so boring naozxc! O:
Today's horoscope:
Sometimes your relationships are like magnets, Leo. When you want to get close, th other person tries to get away from you. When you take a step back, he or she runs back into your life. Human nature is complex. Right now you're probably taking a step back, although you haven't given up completely. This rest will give you time to think about which side of you is th most magnetic.
Can i say 90% of this is true?
Haha! :D
Once he started not to appear, time seems to pass very slow.
Once he appeared, time pass very fast.
Why good things don't last longer than bad things?
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥
Saturday, October 30, 2010 ,♥/-
- Love can't be compared -
Hi hi hi hi hi, I'm here to post.
Yesterday woke up at 12pm sharp.
Met Junkang and Weirong at 851 for lunch.
Saw Miss thia, Miss teh and co's.
After lunch, back home.
Rot all th way till night.
Junxiong, Xavier, Zhaorui and Shaowei came.
After that came Yihong.
Later on Kenneth, Huting and Xiaohei.
Lastly Lester and Jiazheng.
Headed to sing sang sung!
Till around 3am or 4am plus i got my butt out of th place!
Cause of someone, you know i know :D
Headed outside home and rot with Zhaorui, Yihong and Xiaohei.
Zhaorui drunk already, kept laughing like one ah siao -.-
Yihong also going drunk soon, but never :)
Had a chit chat session with Yihong together with Zhaorui kept laughing don't know for what ._.
Morning 6am plus went to 851 to have breakfast.
Yihong fell down on th way there O:
He stand up still can laugh laugh ah.
Huiting laugh all th way till coffee shop still laughing! :D
After that Yihong want buy bao.
We go di di siao siao at there joke.
Make dao we Huiting continue laughing as well.
Hahahahahahahas! (Y)
Really have fun hanging out with this group of friends (:
But sometimes, someone may just spoil th whole mood.
7am plus Xavier and Xiaohei left.
I slept from 7am plus to 9am plus.
A total of 2 hours of sleep only.
Hmms, let see i can tahan until what time tonight.
9am plus headed to Chin Bee there to buy things for tonight's steamboat.
Then to Sheng Siong.
Currently don't feel like sleeping already.
Waiting for tonight's steamboat niaks!
Woooooooooooots :D
But this time round nobody help me cook th food already.
I've to do it myself lers.
Gotta move on with my life without you.
Cause you seems to be rather happy without me.
You can do it, so i can also right?
Wish you a good time ahead, we still got talk a few sentence today.
That's fine, and lets stay like this alright? :)
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 ,♥/-
- Irritated -
You think i don't want to be like other students in th school?
Bring a hand phone to school as and when they like.
Behave like how they usually do in th school.
You think i don't wish that i came from a rich family?
How i wish i was from a rich family can?!
You think we'll end up having financial problem is my fault?
I was forced to listen to lecture.
Even recess time shorten because of that talk.
Forced to write paragraphs of words for th principle.
Just to exchange for a financial assistant form.
You're only asked to fill up th form that may take up about 10 minutes.
Is that too much to ask from you?
If you don't understand what does th form says, you think i understand?
Th one who is working outside is not me, but you eh -.-
Asking you to make a call if you have any questions, is that too difficult?
Will your life be shorten if you made that call?
If applying for help is so difficult, then don't apply lah.
You pay for everything lah.
Don't ask me use my own money to pay for my school fees and all.
You're my parents, I'm not a parent to myself.
You bring me into this world, you got th responsibility to take care of me until I'm at least 18.
If you think you wanna give me freedom, then give me total freedom.
You don't fucking give me half of it and take it as you gave me all of it.
If you don't have th money to pay for your child's school fee, don't bring them onto Earth then!
Don't always say dao like you're th only one suffering in this family.
You think i live dao very song eh?
You think i don't want to be like my friends around me?
Ask parents for money jiu got money.
Want this want that ask parents to buy jiu got.
I also want okay!
KNN, not happy don't give me study lah!
KPKB so much ~
FUCK! -'-
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥
Thursday, October 21, 2010 ,♥/-
- If time could be rewind -

Hi, morning met Junwei then headed to school.
Morning assembly was in th hall today as well.
Shit this fucking lanjiao school -'-
Somehow i get to know some of my marks already.
English: 70/140
Mathematics: 40/120
Mother Tongue: 70/140
Science (Physics + Chemistry): 85.5/100
Luckily year end result slip th result is not this above result.
This above result take up 45%.
Th other 55% come from our CA marks.
Hopefully my CA marks can pull up my year end result.
Corrections for our exams paper sucks!
We're required to copy th question if we got it wrong.
Lmao, i wonder if this really helps every school will be doing it lohs.
Don't know what happend to Mr Nathan.
He start to expect more and more things from us.
KNS! -.-
During holidays, still have to go back to school for head start.
Holiday = NO HOLIDAY!
Afternoon lessons are still going on.
Hey, I'm not taking exams tomorrow ya know?
Exams are already over!
Is there a need for afternoon lessons and etc? -.-
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ,♥/-
- A wrong decision -
Morning assembly was in th hall.
Mr Nathan ki siao -.-
Anyhow at there luan gan.
Keep saying chicken chicken chicken and th 5 different kind of people in Pioneer.
Damn irritating! -'-
After exams already still got so many things to do.
Machiam tomorrow still taking exams like that.
Night time, xiaohei came.
There goes th weird feeling, it popped out again.
Headed to gekpoh with Huiting, Kenneth, Yihong, brother and mom.
After that we decided to go to Fair Price xtra.
Yihong, brother, mom and me went to di siao Huiting and Kenneth.
When they choosing their sushi we push their trolley away and hide it.
Look at their expression when they're finding their trolley (:
Yihong, brother and me don't know laugh until like what. Hahas!
Bus-ed back namdai.
Was outside chit chatting while eating sushi.
Today th Kenneth don't know which wire anyhow plug.
Kept di siao-ing me, Zzz!
Currently here posting.
Going to lala-land soon.
Tomorrow still need to go to chicken school -.-
Starting to hate going to school more and more..
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 ,♥/-
- I can't move on -
Morning 8am plus woke up by a call from Zhizhong.
Headed to 907 to have breakfast with him, mom and dad.
At 907, it reminds me of him, kept wanting to disturb th uncle.
Its all memories anyway :)
After breakfast, home-ed!
Played PS2 with Zhizhong.
Noon time, headed over to Juying Secondary.
Cause Zhizhong wanna find Wenfeng and co's.
After that saw Jetson.
Accompanied him home to take champagne.
Then to 959.
Xavier, Weirong and co's came down.
Waited for Huiting to come.
Evening, headed to Pioneer Mall with her.
Night, went basketball court.
Saw xiaohei ._.
Its not th first time i saw him after that day that thing.
But why do i have this weird feeling when i saw him?
Why does tears still fill my eyes when i saw him? ):
Later in th night, he was outside my house.
He slide open th window and run away -.-
Bo liao! Zzz
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥
Sunday, October 17, 2010 ,♥/-
- Thankful -
Thanks a lot to Crystal Pich Hue (:
I'm finally free from 'Should i, or not?'
I finally know that, in this world, there's such person.
Its a totally oh my tian!
It made me don't even wanna admit that i knew him!
Can you imagine how oh my tian is it?!
Shall not elaborate more anyway.
Later people kpkb. <:
JasminHeartszxcYou ,♥